Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Deepest and Innermost Parts of the Human Soul...

Life. It's a four letter word and yet it means something so much larger unto the four simple letters. Life is a thing that one cannot truly understand nor grasp until they have fully come to realize the things that are indispensable in life. Until one fully realizes and utilizes the things that they can or cannot live life without, they cannot fully understand nor grasp all that life is and what it entails.

Life is a precious gift that is in essence a living thing. It changes over time, and there are many interior facets as well as exterior facets that impact life in it's entirety. Life is a thing that we must use. It is a tangible thing, and yet not so tangible.

Life is a thing without limits. It is an untapped source of power and strength. The only thing preventing humanity from realizing its full potential is the sheer fear and confusion when one tries to understand life. Humanity is constantly building up walls of why we can't. Humanity must start tearing down walls saying why we can. It is a must. The other thing preventing humanity is how we have little faith in God in how he provides for us.

If we just tap into the deepest and innermost reservoirs of power within the human soul, we can unveil a part of humanity that has yet to see the light of the sun, moon, and the stars. If we tap into these deepest and innermost reservoirs, we as a generation, and as a human race-we can and will achieve greatness in all we do.

There is one thing that we must remember. We must ask permission from God, and we must therefore request that He be our guide into the uncharted terrains of the soul of a human. He alone can help us unveil these deepest and innermost reservoirs of power within the human soul.

As humanity, our hearts beat as one. It is my belief that in one way or another, each and every one of our souls are connected to one another. If we can discover that connection, we can change the world. If we can discover that connection, we can fully understand the things of life.

It is my belief that we discover that divine connection when we consume ourselves in intercession and the spiritual disciplines of fasting, journaling, meditating, and simply being.

There are things about humanity that must be unveiled. It is up to us with God as our guide to begin to unveil them...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


When you hear the word beautiful, what do you think of? What is the first thing that came to your mind when you read that word? What was your initial thought?

When I hear the word beautiful, my mind goes a million different places. I think of the bird, chirping outside my window in the mornings. I think of the slowly moving creek beside my house. I think of the deer in the middle of the woods. I think of the cattle grazing on the side of a hill. I think of the sound of wind in the trees. I think of the butterfly on the sunflower. I think of sunlight shining in through my window. I think of the sound of rain drops hitting a tin roof. I think of the sound of joyful laughter. I think of the feel of grass beneath my feet. I think of the eagle soaring through the air. I think of the elderly couple walking down the sidewalk hand in hand. That is what I think of when I hear the word beautiful.

Beautiful. Where does your mind take you?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Bar and a Strip Club

I know, I know. Not many of you ever expected to read something written by me with a title like "A Bar and a Strip Club." But you know what, it happens. Let me explain...

This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to go on a MANDATE trip to Cincinnati. MANDATE is a campus ministry here at "The Naz," where we go to urban areas such as Columbus, Washington DC, Indianapolis, or Cincinnati. What do we do? We live in a church for the weekend, and we serve God by serving the community we are in through community service.

This past weekend (April 25-27, 2008) we had the privilege of going to Covenant Church of the Nazarene in Northside, Cincinnati. Talk about the hood. Talk about the Ghetto. This was it. Pastor Abe showed us a video of when he was giving the sermon, and you can hear gun shots in the background! That is where we lived for the weekend, and guess what? I loved every second of it.

Now would probably be a good time to explain the title of this article. The church was a store front church which basically means it used to be a store, but is now a church. This particular store-front church used to be a bar and strip club, complete with the bar and stage still in.

The sanctuary? Beautiful. Couches and chairs everywhere ranging from the 1960's to the 80's. It was amazing. There were candles everywhere, and the church was decorated with artwork created by the members ranging from infant to elderly. It was beautiful.

On Saturday we had the privilege of being able to help a wonderful woman repair her home. Some of us worked in her bathroom (spackling), some worked in her bedroom (fixing the ceiling and mantle), and others painted her hallway. After that we went to this elderly couples home. Apparently the city sent them an official letter telling them that they had to paint their porch and window trims. They were elderly, and they could not afford to paint it, or could not actually paint due to their age and frailty. It was so sad that a city can do this sort of thing. So we painted their porch and window trims. After that, a group of us went back to the church to clean up and fix the food pantry. You see, they have this mouse problem and they lost most of the food in their pantry due to that. So we helped organize what food they had left, and put them into large Rubbermaid tubs. Later in the afternoon, all of us went out with Abe and Joni (his wife) and passed out popsicles to the neighborhood kids, and played at the playground with them. It was beautiful seeing this kids play together, without a worry in the world.

The service on Sunday morning was amazing. Pastor Abe came in wearing a band tee shirt and ripped jeans. The service was more of a discussion than the regular church service. Everyone had a part, we just sat around and talked and worshipped God.

This weekend had a very profound impact on me. I cannot even describe how I feel right now. I just know that God is definitely with Abe and Joni at Covenant Church of the Nazarene. They are celebrating their one year in ministry this coming Sunday, May 4. Abe and Joni started this church a year ago, and it is evident that God has ordained every step of the way! It is beautiful. What is so beautiful is something that Abe told me. He said "Here at Covenant, we are not about religion at all. We are about community. Our focus is not church on Sunday morning, it is simply going out into the community and getting to know the people." How's that for profound?

A church and A ministry...

A Bar and a Strip Club...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Greater Cause Requires Greater Character

The United States Marine Corps is said to be one of the most difficult military branches in the world, supposedly the most difficult in the great United States of America. I can believe that.

The other day I got some literature from them in the mail, and as I looked through it, something struck me. As I was reading it, each page had a title/saying at the top. The first page impacted me the most.

At the top of that first page, it said "Greater Cause Requires Greater Character." How true is that? I mean just think about it. To be a United States Marine is a great cause, a great calling.

I believe that anyone who decides to be a member of the U.S. Military deserves our support. Whether they are in the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Army, Coast Guard, or Navy; They deserve our support.

These men and women take part in a great cause because they have great character. These men and women are putting their lives at risk to defend yours and mine. It is men and women like them whom this nation should be proud of. These men and women are actually taking a stand and taking action on behalf of what they believe in and are passionate about: America, Land of the Free. Someday I hope to join them.

Since these men and women are putting their lives on the line for us, don't you think that we should be supporting them in anything and everything they do? Support them by praying for them. Support them by flying an American flag. Support them by writing them. Take an active role people! Our founding fathers demanded that of us! Take a stand and do not be afraid. Take a stand for this country, as the service men and women have. Take a stand and witness what unfolds...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Being Free

"When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume amont the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

56 Fearless Men. 56. These fearless men signed their names, and their lives onto a document that changed the course of the world. That document is the Declaration of Independence.
Out of this vision grew a great nation that you and I have the honor and privilege to call our home. Not many people in the world can say that they have the freedom to choose religion or no religion. Not many people in the world can say that they have the freedom to speak out against their government. Not many people in the world can say that they have the freedom to do just about anything, within legal standards.

That is why it frustrates me when people complain about America. Being in college, I often hear college students, peers, friends saying how much they hate America.

My response to them?

They are not taking the active role in American life that they should be. When this nation was formed some 200 years ago, our founding fathers told us to take action when something does not go the way that we want it to .

Our founding fathers, God rest their souls, were brilliant men. They understood what it meant to be hated, to be persecuted, to be thrown into jail for being individuals. They were rebels (this is putting it lightly). They grew sick of the government leading them, and they therefore took action to change some things.

The Result?

The United States of America. Let us not forget the sacrifices that generation after generation have given to make this nation great. Let us continue that tradition. Let us continue the tradition of making this The Great and Honorable United States of America.

Mr. Robert B. Rhea
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Devil's Trap

The other night I went over to my girlfriend's house for a time of food, fun, and fellowship with her nephews. As I went into the house, her dog, Deacon saw me and started growling at me. Jess went on in and I (being the stupid one) went over to the growling dog and pet it. The closer I got the more threatening the growls sounded. But guess what, I still went towards it. Stupid. I know. So I pet it once and the large dog lunged at me with fangs bared. I yelled, and ran into the house. I realized something that night. I was supposed to have my eyes, gaze on my girlfriend who was leading me into her house. Here is what I realized, the dog represented satan, my girlfriend represented Jesus. Jesus is the one person that we must keep our gaze on to follow Him all the days of our lives. However, satan is always there, lurking in the shadows trying to get us to come off that path. We know that when we see satan we know that it is not good, and that it will turn out negatively. But guess what. We are human. We still go see what satan has to offer us. In the most drastic of moments with satan, we realize why we SHOULD NOT have stepped off the path with Christ. I pray that you will ignore the growling, threatening satan in your life. All he cares about is getting you off your path of following Christ. Once he does that, he wants nothing more than to devour you and make you feel like a complete failure. Hold fast to Christ friends. DON'T STEP OFF THE PATH! I love all of you!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I am sick and tired of being me. I am sick and tired living only for me. I am ready to get rid of the trash and the garbage in my life that has separated me from God. What else can I do? All I can do is give up living for me and live for God. I am tired of all the disappointments in my life. All of those disappointments in my life are because of me. They all happened because of my stupid mistakes. I am ready to let go. I am ready to let go of my life and live the life that God has called me to live. I am ready to live the life that God has set apart for me. I am ready...I am ready to step out into the unknown, the wild. I am no longer afraid...